Open-Phylo: a customizable crowd-computing platform for multiple sequence alignment

December 10, 2013

Citizen science games such as Galaxy Zoo, Foldit, and Phylo aim to harness the intelligence and processing power generated by crowds of online gamers to solve scientific problems. However, the selection of the data to […]

Hope springs Eterna? Citizen science comes to BMC Biochemistry

October 24, 2013

What can the general public contribute to scientific research? Quite a lot as it turns out… Imagine how many hours are spent worldwide every day playing Bejeweled, or Angry Birds, or Candy Crush. We’d hesitate […]

Power to the people: Does Eterna signal the arrival of a new wave of crowd-sourced projects?

October 23, 2013

This editorial was written by Thomas A Rowles for BMC Biochemistry – See page 4 for more details Introduction What constitutes a scientist, and do you have to be a professional researcher to perform […]

Open-Phylo: give science back to the people

October 23, 2013

It seems that scientific research in the last two hundred years or so has made a full conceptual circle. In the good old days of the nineteenth century, any Englishman with a vaguely middle-class background, […]

Perceived Color Difference (in German)

September 27, 2013

Perceived Color Difference – ein spielerisches Experiment zur Erfassung empfundener Farbunterschiede Zusammenfassung: Die exakte Bestimmung der von Menschen empfundenen Unterschiede zwischen Farben ist sehr schwierig. Typischerweise werden Farbunterschiede mit Abstandsmetriken aus den Farbkoordinaten berechnet. Leider […]

Do games attract or sustain engagement in citizen science?: a study of volunteer motivations

May 2, 2013

Increasingly, games are being incorporated into online citizen science (CS) projects as a way of crowdsourcing data; yet the influence of gamification on volunteer motivations and engagement in CS projects is still unknown. In an […]

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