Science and Culture: Quantum games aim to demystify heady science

February 26, 2018

In a video game called Quantum Moves, the players’ goal is straightforward: Move an atom from one place to another as quickly and efficiently as possible while a timer counts down the seconds. Atoms in […]

Getting it Right or Being Top Rank: Games in Citizen Science

February 13, 2018

Abstract The use of games in citizen science is growing, but can create tension as gaming and science can be seen as incompatible areas of activity. For example, the motivations for winning a game and […]

Join the CitSci Med Blitz!

February 11, 2018

Join Cochrane Crowd, Mark2Cure and Stall Catchers for the CitSciMed Blitz. Together we can speed up medical research and make a difference. Starting with a Webinar: The CitSciMed Blitz starts on Wednesday the 21st of […]