

Apetopia has been developed by Visual Computing based at University of Berlin University of applied science. It is an easy game, accessible to all the public, and requires no special skills. Players navigate through gates which colors match the color of the sky. They collect coins and boosters on their way. Their choices of color provide data on how the shades of color are perceived by people in order to model the best color parameters.

             Help scientists understand perceived color differences             
casual | platform | neuroscience | computer (browser)


Perceived Color Difference (in German)

Perceived Color Difference – ein spielerisches Experiment zur Erfassung empfundener Farbunterschiede Zusammenfassung: Die exakte Bestimmung der von Menschen empfundenen Unterschiede zwischen Farben ist sehr schwierig. Typischerweise werden Farbunterschiede mit Abstandsmetriken aus den Farbkoordinaten berechnet. Leider […]

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