Interview with Claire Baert on GotScience : citizen science and gamification

August 3, 2018

In plain language, what are citizen science games? I’ll start with a quick introduction to citizen science. Citizen science is a collaboration between scientists and non- scientists to conduct scientific research. Citizen science is a […]

Gamers, citizen scientists, and data: Exploring participant contributions in two games with a purpose

February 19, 2017

Two key problems for crowd-sourcing systems are motivating contributions from participants and ensuring the quality of these contributions. Games have been suggested as a motivational approach to encourage contribution, but attracting participation through game play […]

Homo Politicus meets Homo Ludens: Public participation in serious life science games

June 13, 2016

Public participation in science and gamification of science are two strong contemporary trends, especially in the area of emerging techno-sciences. Involvement of the public in research-related activities is an integral part of public engagement with […]

EteRNA: Unraveling The Mysteries of RNA Molecules

April 6, 2016

EteRNA Leads Crowdsourcing Efforts To Help Scientist Better Understand RNA Molecules A game called EteRNA is being used to further research into how RNA folds itself into particular shapes. The game is a way of […]

Dizeez Crowdsources Cures by Bringing Games Into Health Research

August 17, 2015

Playing a game could help uncover a potential cure for breast cancer, lung cancer or any number of diseases that have a genetic component. The game is called Dizeez, and it’s got some geneticists excited […]

FoldIt Game Finds New Health Application Researching Ebola Treatments

January 13, 2015

The game “FoldIt” has emerged as one of the more prominent examples of how games have applications in health, challenging players to fold a computer image of a protein into shapes that could be used […]

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