Why Games & Learning

December 19, 2016

The meaning of knowing today has shifted from being able to recall and repeat information to being able to find it, evaluate it and use it compellingly at the right time and in the right […]

Finding the right problems for Citizen Science

December 6, 2016

Citizen Science is something I’ve been interested in for a few years — there’s some great opportunities to create games that create actual impact in the world, while also educating the general public in scientific principles and […]

Addressing Big Data Challenges in Neuroscience

November 2, 2016

Global neuroscience projects are producing big data at an unprecedented rate that informatic and artificial intelligence (AI) analytics simply cannot handle. Online games, like Foldit, Eterna, and Eyewire and now a new neuroscience game, Mozak—are fueling a people-powered research science (PPRS) revolution, […]

EteRNA: Unraveling The Mysteries of RNA Molecules

April 6, 2016

EteRNA Leads Crowdsourcing Efforts To Help Scientist Better Understand RNA Molecules A game called EteRNA is being used to further research into how RNA folds itself into particular shapes. The game is a way of […]