Earn a Nobel Prize in your Lunch-Break! The Best “Citizen Science” Games Reviewed!

5. Old Weather: Help Predict Global Warming

Do you enjoy history? Do you like trying to decipher and decode riddles? If so, then Old Weather could be up your street.

Global warming has been a controversial subject (especially in the USA) largely because there has been a distinct lack of quality weather recordings before 1950. Some have claimed that this lack of data means that global warming may not be happening at all! But climate scientists have now happened across a treasure trove of meticulously detailed weather records – in the form of Royal Navy ship’s logs from World War I. This encyclopedia of data should help lay the problem to rest once and for all. The only fly in the ointment? No one seems to have the time to read and decipher the dozens of books of Captain’s scrawl.

This is where you come in… After registering online at the ‘Old Weather’ website, you ‘climb aboard‘ a World War I Royal Navy warship. You are tasked with reading and deciphering a scanned image of the ship’s weather log. As you and other online players simultaneously track work out through the ship’s journey, you can watch the warship move across the globe, your efforts being shown on a world map for all to see!

Is it any good? Getting a first peak at some old ship logs is certainly interesting; and knowing that you are part of an online ‘crew’ is strangely satisfying. But for me, I didn’t find Old Weather much fun. It reminded me of a rather dull job I did as a student (typing up old patient notes into computer records) but with ‘Old Weather’ there is no paycheck! Perhaps I shouldn’t be so selfish, especially if it helps in the fight against global warming…

Playability: 7/10 – Good video tutorials will get you started
Fun Factor: 5/10 – Fun if deciphering old text floats your boat
Value to Humanity: 8/10 – You are helping climate scientists get a better handle on global warming…
Good For: History buffs, Environmentally-minded Crossword fans and Nautical Enthusiasts

Click Here to Play Old Weather!

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